Wednesday, January 22

Call for Papers

Write to Us!

At AI Asia Insights, we’re always on the lookout for contributors to write for our publication. Are you passionate and knowledgeable about AI, big data and analytics? Articulate and want to share your thoughts with a wider audience? If so, then we want you! 

Application Requirements

    • The article must be original, distinctive, and not violate a third party’s copyright.
    • It must be supported by substantive evidence.
    • Please provide appropriate references and linkbacks.
    • The article should be at least 500 words long.
    • The article must be in PDF format.

About the Author Section

The author should provide a brief introduction, as well as their geography and, if possible, social media handles.


AI Asia Insights reserve the right to edit, if necessary, the materials accepted at its discretion.

Submit Your Papers Here

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