Tuesday, March 4
AI in Agriculture

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the science and engineering of intelligent machines, in particular those capable of performing tasks that are characteristic of human cognition. It has been defined as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”. The field was founded on the claim that a central property of humans, intelligence—the sapience or mental capacity to rationalize—can be so precisely described that it can be simulated by machines.

Today’s AI can be used to make more cost-effective and sustainable farming decisions

A farmer can use artificial intelligence to make better decisions in the short and long term

In the short term, AI allows farmers to make more effective decisions based on real-time data that may otherwise have been impossible or too difficult due to the amount of time required and resources available. This helps them plan their activities in a faster and more productive way, making it easier for them to react in real-time when something changes (such as weather conditions) and effectively manage resources such as manpower, machinery and other tools so they are used efficiently without wasting anything.

In the long-term future, farmers will be able to use AI not only for making better decisions but also to handle maintenance tasks like preventing equipment problems from occurring and forecasting the amount of rain that will fall the following season so they can plan accordingly.

The use of AI in agriculture is referred to as smart farming or precision agriculture. It involves the use of modern technology to help farmers make better decisions, reduce waste, increase crop yield and reduce the cost of agricultural production. Among the many ways that AI is being used by farmers today are:

    • Farmers can access real-time weather data on their smartphones so they know exactly when best to plant seeds
    • Farmers can access satellite imagery that shows them where areas have been damaged by pests so they can avoid those areas
    • Farmers can use automated drones equipped with infrared cameras to monitor crops and identify any problem areas early on

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